Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Possible Epicness

Okay so today was pretty decent. I got a nice new pair of boots for the standing out in the freezing cold, and a laptop case so I can keep you all updated on the happening in Park City. I appear to be having difficulty with the whole long underwear situation, that might be a problem! Might buy a snuggie and then steal the comforter to keep warm!

I was able to pick up out little gift for Giovanni, I hope he likes it! It's nothing big but it is from our hearts. I will post pictures...maybe after we've given it to him!

So here is where the epicness begins...

As many have already heard Joan Jett IS indeed sceduled to play at HarryOs in Park City. Yes, we are stalking the their website and have calls into the nightclub as well. I, personally, have always been a JJ fan, so this would just be the complete icing on the cake to see her perform LIVE at Sundance! Plus, you totally know that Kristen will have to be there in the least!

So in Honour of this Epic News....I have Two pictures of the day!
Two Chicks that Kick Ass!

Kristen as Joan
(although she kicks as much ass
as herself...)

And Joan herself

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT. Joan & Kristen. ♥ How come I found long underwear HERE, but you can´t? lol
