Monday, January 11, 2010

The Countdown Begins

So I am now completely ready for Sundance TwentyTen/2010 (however you want to say it.) The plane tickets are booked, the shuttle tickets are booked, the car is booked and the hotel is booked! The only things I have left to do is shopping (hello, long underwear and tons of warm socks!), get my money exchanged (seriously Canada and the US need to the same currancy already) and of course, the dreaded packing...I hate packing.

We have our plans in motion and we're getting there on Friday so that we can scope out where everything is...and maybe get all of our squeeing done about actually being AT SUNDANCE! then....more squeeing will ensure if we get tickets, if we meet Giovanni and of course, if we catch a glimpse of Kristen!

So after walked 45 minutes in the cold to get my airport shuttle ticket I decided I was going to post everyday from here on out...It might just be my fav Kristen picture or I might have some actual news to report!

Tonight: Going over the packing list for everything I need to buy.
Tomorrow: First of all....Our First Time slot to buy tickets for the films is Tomorrow at 11am...we're still holding out hope that they will realease more tickets for the showings of Welcome to the Riley's and The Runaways! Please keep your fingers crossed or send out good vibes and energy or say a little prayer that all goes the way we're hoping!
Second: Buying everything on the packing list that I need to buy!

Todays Picture...
Kristen from her Entertainment Weekly Picture with Taylor...only not with Taylor...


  1. wow its so cool your going to sundance, im so jelous ha but im happy i will get to follow your experience on here hope it all goes to plan for you and good look with getting your tickets!

  2. I love that pic of Kris! :) Dude, it´s all coming along! :D
